What is HIV?
Hiv is a virus. The full name of hiv is (human immunodeficiency virus) which is left untreated, causes of AIDS in the final stage. Like other viruses hiv cannot be got rid even after treatment, but you can live a long life. Hiv attacks the human immune system of our body. Specifically (CD4) cells, also know as (T cells), help our immune system fight infection. If left untreated, Hiv keeps reducing our CD4 cells and T cells and that person may have more types of infection related to cancer. Overtime Hiv start destroying these T cells and our body start losing the power of fight any kinds of infections. When weaking in our body, cancer and other types of infection pickup it and indicate that it is suffering from AIDS in its final stage.
These is currently no effective treatment for Hiv. But with proper medical care, Hiv can be controlled.
The drugs use to treat Hiv is called antiret-roviral therapy or ART. If taken correctly everyday, this medicine can miraculous prolong the lives of many people infected with Hiv, and keel them healthy, and greatly reduced the chance of infecting others individuals. Can reduce before the introduction of ART in the mid-1990s, people living with Hiv succumbed to AIDS within a few years. Today if a person is suffering from HIV. These symptoms can be reduced with some advance treatments and those people can live longer lives like those without HIV.
What is HIV and AIDS?
AIDS is the most dangerous and final stage of HIV AIDS infection. The full name of AIDS is (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) people who are suffering from AIDS , their body immunity is almost exhausted and they are prone to many Tues of serious infection. When your number of CD4 and T cells falls below 200 cubic millimeters of blood (200 cells/me). You are considered AIDS-prone. (In some one with a healthy immune system, the amount of CD4 is between 500 and 1600 cells/mm3) if you develop one or more opportunistic diseases despite your CD4 cannot you will have AIDS. Can be considered a victim.

HIV sign and symptoms
HIV synonyms many people living with HIV do not have synonyms for several months but not for many years. However about 80% of people have synonyms of HIV similar to those of normal flu. Which being to appear two to three weeks after being infected with the virus. Some of the common and initial synonyms of HIV are-
- Fever
- Weakness
- Joint pain
- Sudden weight loss
- Sweating
- Chills
- Muscle aches
- Sore thrat
HIV diagnose and test
There are many tests available to diagnose HIV. Using which you can find out if you are infected with HIV. For this your doctor will determine which test you should do. There are three test of HIV are.
- NAT (Nucleic acid test):- Nucleic acid test is a little expensive which is not used for formal screening. It is for those with the earliest sign of HIV. This test is not performed to find antibodies, rather it is done to search for viruses. This test take 5 to 21 days to detect HIV in the blood.
- Antigen test:- Antigen test is the most commonly used test. They may show positive results within 18 to 45days after initially contracting HIV.
- Antibody test:- antibody test completely check our blood for antibiotics. Between 23 to 90 days after transmission. Most people develop detectable HIV antibiotics, which can be found in the patient's blood or saliva.
HIV/AIDS is antiretroviral treatment (ART) has been found to be effective in reducing the speed of viruses in the body. It involves three medicine which need to be taken at the right time daily by taking these a person can live a healthy life for long time. These drugs prevents the virus from going in the body and also strengthen the patient's immune system so that it can fight infection. The price of these medicines depends on the person age and treatment.
Is HIV Curable?
Is HIV curable american researchers have achieved great success by eliminating HIV from the DNA of infect mice. This has led to hope for treatment in about 37 million people infected with HIV worldwide.
According to a report in nature communication researchers at temple university's Lewis Katz school of medicine and the university of Nebraska medical center have been successful in removing DNA of HIV from living animal genes with the help of DNA editing tools along with this researchers claim that AIDS virus can also be removed from HIV infected humans.
Researchers have found this extraordinary success in models of three different organizations. One of these was humanized model. In this model human immune cells were transplanted into a rat and infected with HIV virus.
The team of researchers first showed the viruses by completely removing, HIV virus from the infected immune cell of the virus with the help of genetic editing technique. The researchers name the treatment are (Laser ART).
This team modified the during for slow release over several weeks. During this time he targeted spleen, bone marrow and brain where there are more chance of HIV virus or group of inactive HIV cells.
Wile researchers also used a gene editing tool called (CRISPR-Cas 9) to completely kill infected cells of the subject DNA. During this process the researchers successfully eliminated the virus from 23 of 9 mice.
After this success of researchers it seems that soon 37 million people infected with HIV from all over the world can expect to get rid of this deadly disease.
Is HIV curable american researchers have achieved great success by eliminating HIV from the DNA of infect mice. This has led to hope for treatment in about 37 million people infected with HIV worldwide.
According to a report in nature communication researchers at temple university's Lewis Katz school of medicine and the university of Nebraska medical center have been successful in removing DNA of HIV from living animal genes with the help of DNA editing tools along with this researchers claim that AIDS virus can also be removed from HIV infected humans.
Researchers have found this extraordinary success in models of three different organizations. One of these was humanized model. In this model human immune cells were transplanted into a rat and infected with HIV virus.
The team of researchers first showed the viruses by completely removing, HIV virus from the infected immune cell of the virus with the help of genetic editing technique. The researchers name the treatment are (Laser ART).
This team modified the during for slow release over several weeks. During this time he targeted spleen, bone marrow and brain where there are more chance of HIV virus or group of inactive HIV cells.
Wile researchers also used a gene editing tool called (CRISPR-Cas 9) to completely kill infected cells of the subject DNA. During this process the researchers successfully eliminated the virus from 23 of 9 mice.